Tuesday 25 September 2012

Crashing Down.

She shredded everything. Every memory, every letter, every date, every moment. She tore, ripped, cut and scrunched all the things that made her who she was. Believing this was the only way was how she would get through this, knowing that only one existence was possible and acknowledging that to survive she had to let go, her only savior would be total destruction. She teetered on the edge of total absolution and swan dived into eternity.

Sunday 9 September 2012

So hold my hand, I'll walk with you my dear.

Emerging from the valley of broken clocks, twisted keys and charred letters, she found her feet again. While her atrophied muscles screamed with every step she took she followed the path back to her life. It was being over taken by ferns and moss, nature reclaiming its land after it was so rudely disrupted by her in the midst of the Dark Days. She brushed back the plants gently as if to make up for the original disturbance. Her feet knew the way while her mind wandered, her thoughts consumed by all that had moved on while she remained dormant. The seasons had flown by with no qualms towards her untimely defeat, babies had become children and people left for time stops for no one. She felt the terrain change underfoot, the path remained well worn. She paused, no one came to this place but her, too much time had passed for it to mean anything. Slowly she felt shadows begin to move, forming shapes of the people she had loved, ones she had lost, ones that had been lost. They had kept this place in such a state so she would recognize what it was time for. Together they began the journey back to where she belonged, though they could not help her once she returned back to normality, at least they could give her hope that some things are never lost. 

Friday 7 September 2012

Now you can't find what you've left behind.

Checking over her shoulder she started to run, away from the gates, away from the memories, away from the one she loved. Her feet were pounding as if they could stamp out that last night, that night where everything lost its innocence. She ran through the old oaks, she launched herself over the moss covered log, as if to propel herself from the hurt. She pushed through the trees, past where she had once felt safe sitting in his arms, past the clearing they had called their own. The scenery began to change, the ground became littered with stones, crumbling limestone on which she took a step too far. When she landed her breathing began to slow, her vision ebbing away until there was only him. No amount that she ran could change that he was a part of her that she could never leave, so she had to decide, live with the memories or live with him?

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Oh you love him like he'll be there for always.

She walked through the darkness fully aware of the dangers, agonizingly aware of the ramifications of her decision and she began the dance. She pushed against the weight of the constricting nothingness, as if simply moving her partner an inch would keep her safe for now. She heard the music rise, she felt him approach her, she felt him delicately placing his arms around her, at first almost lovingly, she felt the arms tense and ever so slightly tug. She tried her best to will them away, she pushed with all that was left of her against the sound, she pulled away from him with the last remnants of her hope, slowly her muscles refused to obey their orders, her mind started to relinquish their power to the slumber that had been waiting since the moment the first of the band began to play. The tempo began to drop, the notes wavered and her partner drifted away until there was only her, looking for a partner to help her. She got what she desired, he just led her further away rather than turning back to life. In that moment she received two things, a permanent dancing partner and a promise to keep her safe from the Land of the Living, after all it is one terrifying place to be.